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Dr Moch Faisal Karim

I am an Assistant Professor within International Relations Department at Bina Nusantara University. I am currently an editor for Journal of ASEAN Studies, A Q1 Scopus journal focusing ASEAN. My primary research interest lies in the intersection of political economy and International Relations (IR) with an emphasis on the role of emerging powers in global governance with a special focus on human rights, trade, and International Relations in the Asia Pacific. Currently my Scopus H-Index is 6. My research has been published in Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations, Contemporary Politics, Third World Quarterly, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Pacific Review, Asian Journal of Social Science, European Journal of East Asian Studies, Journal of International Migration and Integration and Journal of ASEAN Studies. I holds PhD from the University of Warwick, Master Degree from University of Nottingham and Bachelor Degree from University of Indonesia.


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